Saturday, September 28, 2024

September Meeting

 Meeting September 26, 2024  6:00 PM   Whetstone Library

12 members  attended, 1 new visitor 

We all introduced ourselves.  Leigh asked the question,   are you making any gifts for Christmas?  Most said no,  there were a few yes.

Guest speaker – Jessica, the founder of My Very Own Blanket, which is a non-profit group that provides handmade blankets and quilts to youth that find themselves in the foster system.  Jessica told us that in the 25 years since she started My Very Own Blanket, that the group operates nationwide and in several countries.  How can we help?   Host a “no sew” fleece blanket making event, volunteer to sew, knit or crochet blankets at home to donate or be a blanket angel donor with a financial donation.  MVOB has an office at 407 W Main St Westerville.  Members of CMQ meet there about once a month to volunteer.   Upcoming dates include 10/15, 11/19 and 12/17 from 6-8 pm as posted on the CMQ website.   See more at

Block raffle – only 1 member brought mini ghost blocks and she took those home!!

Show off your sewing room – Katy Jones brought a presentation of her sewing studio, which we all enjoyed very much.   For 2025, we would like to ask members to sign up for a month to share their sewing spaces.   If you would be interested in doing this, please email or talk to Katy or Leigh at our next meeting.

Show and Tell  - several members shared their projects – pictures available on FB.


October 24, 2024  6:00 – Old Worthington Library meeting: This meeting celebrates the anniversary of our guild.   Please bring a appetizer or dessert to share.   Bring your own drink, no red drinks.   

Pin cushion or clip holder – make a pin cushion or clip holder and bring it in a gift bag to swap with other members.   Many patterns on Pinterest.  Due at October meeting.   

November 21, 2024 Whetstone Library 6:00 meeting – Projects due are Monochromatic quilt, Crayon challenge quilted project  crayon challenge – due at November meeting.  Each member at the meeting was asked to choose 2 crayons from a bag.  These two colors should be used in a quilted project.   Other colors may be added to the project.   Quilt project for 2024 This project will consist of a monochromatic quilt.  Solids or prints can be used, but should be of the same color family.  Project is due at  November meeting.     

No December meeting,   there may be a Dewey Pizza meetup in December.

Upcoming quilt shows:

10/5 and 10/6/24  Morrow County Quilting Guild – Park Avenue Elementary School Mt Gilead OH

1/1/25 – 2/8/25 – Inniswood Metro Garden – Columbus Metropolitan Quilters 

3/21/25 to 3/22/25 – Quintessential Quilt Show at Franklin County Fairgrounds

Monday, August 26, 2024

August meeting minutes

 Columbus Modern Quilters  -

Meeting August 23, 2024  6:30 PM   Whetstone Library

20 members attended, 3 new visitors

We all introduced ourselves.  Members were asked to bring a quilt of which they were proud.  11 members participated.  Pictures on FB.

Fabric Swap  Charlie Harper was the fabric swap.  7 members participated.

Challenge -  This challenge was a quilted project inspired by a song.   Please create a quilt project inspired by a specific song.   Can use the title of the song,  or the words of the song.   8 members brought a project to share. Pictures on FB.

New crayon challenge – due at November meeting.  Each member at the meeting was asked to choose 2 crayons from a bag.  These two colors should be used in a quilted project.   Other colors may be added to the project.

Pin cushion or clip holder – make a pin cushion or clip holder and bring it in a gift bag to swap with other members.   Many patterns on Pinterest.  Due at October meeting.   Leigh will bring some crushed nut shells to share at the September meeting.

Block raffle – there will also be a block raffle at the September meeting.  Pattern will be a mini ghost pattern, which can be found on the website  

Quilt project for 2024 This project will consist of a monochromatic quilt.  Solids or prints can be used, but should be of the same color family.  Project is due at November meeting.     

Quilting retreats – A fabulous time was had by all who attended the second 2024 retreat at the end of July. Hotel Millersburg was the location,   there was sewing, shopping, dining out and friendship.  Many thanks to Leslie for organizing these retreats.  Plans for 2025 retreats are in progress.   

Carol Graham – member shared that she is having a open house quilt show on 9/7/24 from 12-5.  She could be contacted through FB for more information.

Show and Tell - several members shared their projects – pictures available on FB.

September meeting: Mini ghost block raffle (info and pattern on website) Leigh will bring crushed nut shells for filling pin cushion project, due at October meeting.

October meeting:  pin cushion/clip holder 

November meeting – Monochromatic quilt,  Crayon challenge quilted project

Next meeting:

Whetstone Library  9/26/24 at 6 pm

Old Worthington Library   10/24/24  6 pm

November meeting date and time to be announed.



Crayon Challenge info

Challenge dates August 22 - November meeting date TDB
Everyone will draw 2 random crayons from my bag. (If you don’t have your crayons yet, let me know and I’ll draw for you and send you the color info. )
Both crayon colors must be represented in your quilt or bag. Do your best to find fabric as close to your colors as possible. You could also use fabric pens, intense pencils, fabric paint, etc. And you can use as many additional colors as you want and your project does not need to be finished.

Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 Swap #3 Pin Cushion/clip holder

When: October 24, 2024

What: Make a pincushion/clip holder (preferably homemade but store bought ok.) 

How: Bring it to the October meeting wrap it or put it in a bag. You will be swapping with other member who bought one to the meeting. 

Links to examples:

September Block Raffle

 Due: September 26, 2024



Ghost: White fabric (either white on white or white)

Background: Bright Halloween color (orange, purple, green), similar to the ones in the pattern

Ghost Eyes: Black 

*you will just bring the finished block*

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

June Meeting Minutes

Columbus Modern Quilters -

Meeting June 27, 2024 6:00 PM

Old Worthington Public Library

15 members attended

Leigh posed the question, have you started bias binding? 5 people had made bias binding

Mug Rug Swap 10 members participated in the mug rug swap. A mug rug is a quilted piece which can hold your cup and maybe a snack. Pictures on FB.

Bias binding demo Courtney and Leigh showed us a couple different ways to make bias binding. Courtney posted a demo on FB from Mx Domestic (formerly Mr.) Leigh uses a silicone pad called Quilted Hearts Binding Eaze and Courtney shows us a way to use pins to pull the fabric through. Thanks Courtney and Leigh.

Quilt project for 2024 This project will consist of a monochromatic quilt. Solids or prints can be used, but should be of the same color family. August meeting some completed blocks and due at November meeting.

About 11 members expressed an interest in this project.

Quilting retreats – 14 people are register to attend the quilt retreat which will be held 7/25 – 7/28/24 at the Hotel Millersburg. Contact Leslie Wood for more information. A Facebook group has been set up for those
attending. No July guild meeting due to the retreat in July.

Next challenge due at August meeting. Our next challenge is a quilted project inspired by a song. Please
create a quilt project inspired by a specific song. Can use the title of the song, or the words of the song.

Show and Tell - several members shared their projects – pictures available on FB.

Next meeting:

Whetstone Library
Thursday August 22, 2024, 6:00 pm

*No July Meeting

Friday, June 21, 2024

Quilt Inspired by a Song

CMQ Challenge Due: Aug Meeting 2024

This challenge is to create a quilt project that is inspired by a specific

song. (A song with words, not just music)

The quilted project can be anything you want. If it is smaller than a lap size

quilt, it should be finished. And, it should be something that you’ve

finished in 2024.

The quilted project can be a literal interpretation of the song, an abstract

interpretation of the song, or simply an artistic expression of how the song

makes you feel.

Literal interpretation:

Using exact words from the song, or using objects that are referenced in

the song. For example, for the song Three Little Birds you could have 3

small birds on your project. Or for the song “New York, New York” you

could have iconic NYC landmarks represented on your project.

Abstract interpretation:

An abstract interpretation of a song would not attempt to represent an

accurate depiction of the lyrics but instead use shapes, colors, forms, and

gestural marks to represent what the song is about. An example would be

a country landscape quilt to represent “Take Me Home Country Roads”, or

a quilt made of bright yellows to express “You Are The Sunshine Of My


Personal artistic expression:

Create a quilted project that showcases how the song makes you feel, or

what the song means to you.