Monday, October 25, 2010

First CMQG meeting a smashing success!

The very first CMQG meeting was on Thursday.....and I have to say I was shocked.  We had 37 people attend!!!  Awesome!  A smashing success!  We had introductions, show & tell, giveaways and a lot of chatter.  We are all excited at the open ended possibilities for this group.

A survey was given to everyone to feel out what types of activities people are interested in.  I am in the process of reviewing these....

We met lots of new friends - and I hope to see you all back at the next meeting.

A few pics from Show & Tell

Beth's Hexagon Quilt

From Rita's pattern


Sewing machine cover

Vickie's Hello Yellow

Paula's Tokyo Subway Quilt on black

Amanda's Single Girl Quilt

Cristin's Scrap Quilt

Knitting too!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Just a reminder!  We'll see you there!


When: Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 6:00pm

Where: Quilt Trends
6155 Huntley Rd # J
Columbus, OH 43229-1096

Who: Anyone who is interested.....bring a friend!

What: A casual, fun, feel out the group meeting... we'll meet each other and find out what types of activities people are interested in. Bring a show & tell item if you like (doesn't have to be a finished quilt, anything you are working on and excited about will work!).

FIRST MEETING DOOR PRIZE:  If you choose, bring ONE fat quarter with you to the meeting. I will have a basket for you to drop it in and those who bring FQs will put their name in a hat. At the end of the meeting, we'll draw a name or two to take the loot! (this is absolutely optional - join in the fun if you like!)