Friday, June 21, 2024

Quilt Inspired by a Song

CMQ Challenge Due: Aug Meeting 2024

This challenge is to create a quilt project that is inspired by a specific

song. (A song with words, not just music)

The quilted project can be anything you want. If it is smaller than a lap size

quilt, it should be finished. And, it should be something that you’ve

finished in 2024.

The quilted project can be a literal interpretation of the song, an abstract

interpretation of the song, or simply an artistic expression of how the song

makes you feel.

Literal interpretation:

Using exact words from the song, or using objects that are referenced in

the song. For example, for the song Three Little Birds you could have 3

small birds on your project. Or for the song “New York, New York” you

could have iconic NYC landmarks represented on your project.

Abstract interpretation:

An abstract interpretation of a song would not attempt to represent an

accurate depiction of the lyrics but instead use shapes, colors, forms, and

gestural marks to represent what the song is about. An example would be

a country landscape quilt to represent “Take Me Home Country Roads”, or

a quilt made of bright yellows to express “You Are The Sunshine Of My


Personal artistic expression:

Create a quilted project that showcases how the song makes you feel, or

what the song means to you.