Welcome to new members Joanna M, Joanna K and Melissa!
- Seat Belt Cover Swap- The group swapped fabrics for the Seatbelt Cover Swap. Projects are due in our September Meeting.
- Holiday Sew In - June and Kathy G are putting together a fun Sew In day scheduled for November 2! Sign ups will take place in the September and October Meetings. The cost is $5 to help offset food costs.
- CMQG Survey Results - Nicole reviewed some of the highlights from the survey we sent out to the group. The survey provided some great ideas and insight on how we can improve our Guild.
- MQG Guild Membership - We have not made a decision whether we are going to join the MQG as a guild or not. Please continue to review the documentation Stacey sent out in email in August and bring your questions and suggestions to our meetings.
- Leadership Opportunities - We announced in the meeting that Dana, Abbe and Stacey would like to scale back their leadership duties for the group and allow for members to step into those leadership roles. We would like to target a transition to the new leadership team by our October meeting. If you are interested in being more involved in the Guild and couldn't attend our last meeting, please email us your interest at: columbus.modern.quilt@gmail.com
Our Guild is turning 3 in October! Planning will begin for our 3rd Birthday party - food, games and maybe a few giveaways! Stay tuned!