Wednesday, December 14, 2022

2023 CMQ Sew Together

Instead of a mystery quilt this year we are going to be doing a sew together quilt. We will all be working on a string quilt. Each month you will be bring one or more blocks in to show the club at the monthly meeting. There is no rules for what method you follow just that you complete one block each month. I am going to post examples/links of some quilts to help you pick the theme/pattern you will be going with. Some Themes are scrappy, rainbow, same color family, and selvages. Another way to help your design is to look up #stringquilts on Instagram. Cant wait to see everyone's first block at the January meeting!

#1 Emily @ Quilt Love - Link to a quick guide to a string quilt. She also has stories on Instagram on making her string quilt. link to Instagram Stories (Thank you Courtney for sharing this)

#2 Link to pattern Jelly Rainbow Pattern

(Thank you Tami for sharing this)

#3 This picture is from Ellen (Thank you sharing) another Quilt Club added scrappy blocks together but added black fabric to the center of them to make them all come together.

Please use #CMQ2023SEWTOGETHER when posting on social medial

Monday, December 12, 2022

Block Raffle- January

Here's how the block raffle works: You can bring as many blocks to the January meeting as you want. Each block gets you one entry into the raffle. If your name is pulled, you win all the blocks! 

Block Name: Heart

Blog: Brandywine Valley Quilter's

Block Directions: 

Raffled: January meeting

Fabric Directions: For where it says "Medium Red" and " Dark Red" use pink or red that contrast each other by one being dark and one being lighter. For "white" use either white or white on white

Example of Heart Blocks: