Name, Do you have pets and if yes how many and what kind?
Block Bees:
Hive #1 Queen: Rose Weckesser
Hive #2 Queen: Joanna Malachowsky
New Business:
We will be adding social time to our meeting each month.
Stacey did a demo on several different binding techniques.
Fabric Swap:
We swapped 8 fat eighths with the theme being low volume. If you wanting to learn more about low volume fabrics please use this link.
*We have a charity sew in scheduled for March 21st to put together Ugly Quilts. It will be facilitated by Joanna Malachowsky and Alison Curtin.
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: The Graham School 3950 Indianola Ave Columbus Ohio 43214
What to bring?: Bring your sewing machine, and a food item for the potluck!
March- UFO Challenges intro- we will be passing out forms for the UFO Challenge, or you can get your copy here. If you would like the rules please read the form.
Show & Tell: