Tuesday, April 30, 2024
April Meeting 2024
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
March Meeting Minutes
Columbus Modern Quilters - columbusmodernquilters.com
Meeting March 28, 2024 6:00 PM
Old Worthington Library
26 people attended.
Leigh posed the question, have you ever worked on improv quilt piecing? The answers were about ½ yes and ½ no.
Annual Dues of $10 are now due for 2024.
2 color challenge project was presented at the meeting. About 12 members participated. See pictures of the project on Facebook page.
Block raffle 8 members participated in the Then Came June, Sugar Quilt block raffle. Courtney’s daughter won the blocks. We will look forward to seeing her completed project!
Upcoming swap – Thread catchers will be made and swapped with an assigned recipient. Partners have been chosen and Leigh has contacted those participating with their recipient’s name and likes, color etc. The thread catchers will be due at the April 25 meeting.
Quilt project for 2024 This project will consist of a monochromatic quilt. Solids or prints can be used, but should be of the same color family. At February, we brought pattern, March meeting we brought fabric chosen. May meeting will be cutting, August meeting some completed blocks and due at November meeting. About 11 members expressed an interest in this project.
Quilting retreats – 2 quilting retreats will be help this year, one in April and one in July. They will both be held at the Hotel Millersburg. Contact Leslie Wood for more information. A Facebook group has been set up for those attending. No July guild meeting due to the retreat in July.
Quilt ruler library – we will have more discussion on a possible library of quilt rulers. The idea is for members to donate rulers they may no longer want and they could be lent out to other members to use and then return.
March demo – Katie Kull presented a demo on improv quilting. She has taken several classes over the years from some very well-known improv quilters. They include Sherri Lynn Wood, Patricia Belyea, Irene Roderick, and Joe Cunningham. Katie quilts most of her own patterns and has a real love for improv quilting. Thanks Katie!!
Show and Tell - several members shared their projects – pictures available on FB.
Please note: upcoming meeting 4/25/24 at Auction Ohio, 7461 Worthington Galena Road, Worthington OH 43085 – enter by front door at 6:00 pm. They will have a short presentation regarding sewing machines and other auction information
Next meeting:
Auction Ohio, 7461 Worthington Galena Road, Worthington OH 43085
Thursday, April 25, 2024, 6:00 pm