Friday, January 25, 2013

Rainbow Jelly Roll Swap Rules!

As promised, here is the info on our jelly roll swap. Bring your strips to the February meeting and you'll have your jelly rolls at the March meeting.

The purpose of this swap - for those who want to join - is to exchange jelly roll strips so that we all end up with a roll of rainbow colors. You only have to bring one color of fabric and you'll come home with the full rainbow! Sound fun?

 If you weren't at the January meeting you can still participate! Just bring your 20 fabric strips to the February meeting. We signed up for colors just to make sure that everyone didn't bring red fabric (or pink, etc.) but now that we have the whole rainbow covered, if you want to join in, just pick a color and go for it!

The Rules:
  • Fabric should be 100% high quality quilter's cotton (from a Local Quilt Shop or reputable online quilt fabric store - Please no JoAnn or Hobby Lobby fabric allowed)
  • Your fabric should "read" the color you signed up for, but it can have small flecks of other colors if you choose.  Please no solids, it should have a pattern to it. If you have any questions please just email Jaclyn
  • Do NOT pre-wash your fabric.  
  • Fabric should be pre-cut into 2 1/2 inch strips totaling 20 strips per sign up.
  • You can sign up twice and bring 40 strips of fabric if you want to receive extra strips.
  • Bring strips in a ziplock bag labeled with your name and email address and/or phone number.
  • Fabric is to be brought to the Feb. meeting or if you can't make the meeting you are more than welcome to drop it off at my house in Westerville by March 1st.
  • If you didn't sign up at the January meeting and want to participate it's not too late. 
Below are the colors folks have already signed up for - 

Stacey V


Kathy F
Karen C

Katie P

Stacey V

Purple -
Kathy F

Pink -


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