Friday, November 21, 2014

Meeting Minutes 11/20/2014

Thanks to Dabble & Stitch for hosting the CMQG November meeting!

Joanna, Leigh, Melissa, Dana, Katie, Heather, Barb, Cristin, Rose, Vicky, Katie, Joanna, Ann, Katy, Stacey, Elizabeth, Lauren

Name and another hobby you enjoy

Guild Bee:
All present with bee blocks distributed them to their rightful owners. 

Joanna Martinez did a short demo on hand binding. She had a neat way to tie a knot in your thread and put a link to the YouTube video on the Facebook page. She also also mentioned her preference for using milliners needles when hand binding. She purchases the needles on Amazon.

Block Raffle:
Barb is the winner of this month's block raffle. We can't wait to see what she creates! 
Block Raffle

2015 Guild Bee(s):
We passed around another sheet to sign up for 2015 Bee(s). If you already signed up online, you don't need to duplicate your name on the sheet. Just a reminder, sign ups for the Bee are open until 11/30. We have almost enough people to have two hives going at the same time, but still need one person for January, one for November, and two for December. If those months don't work for you, several members are flexible with months, so don't hesitate to ask. Leadership will post the finalized list as soon as its available. Start thinking about your blocks!

New Business:
Vicky Melvin commented on the waning numbers of meeting attendees. While the attendance waxes and wanes throughout the year, the question of group growth was posed. Do we want to grow the group? How do we go about growing the group? Should we advertise? Katy Fineman-Jones suggested paying for a page on There aren't many, if any, crafting groups on, and it is only $12/month. With a MeetUp subscription, you're able to have three groups. Dana suggested talking to another group (Etsy Team Columbus) to see if they'd like to go in to get a MeetUp subscription. We could have a 50/50 raffle or pay minimal dues to cover the cost of the subscription or talk to a LQS to see if they would sponsor us. There was also some discussion about attendance being higher when meetings were held at a LQS. Joanna Malachowski suggested as there are many group members that sell items, that we could have a presence at some of the alternative craft shows that are popping up locally. Members who want to participate could go together to pay for a table. Dana mentioned that Etsy Team Columbus already does something similar. Should we get some business cards or postcards made? Same money raising ideas apply as above. The leadership team plans to discuss and present recommendations at the January meeting.

December Meeting Info:
Our December meeting will also be our holiday party!

December 18
Whetstone Library

3909 N. High St.

We will have a gift exchange. If you chose to participate, your gift should be about $15 in value (handmade or purchased, but preferably something craft related). Please wrap the gift so no one can tell what is in the package.

We will also have some food. Joanna passed around a signup sheet at tonight's meeting. Leadership will post a list soon, but please feel free to bring anything except red drinks! 

If you need some ideas of what to make, Dana suggested checking out the #OHCraft Pinterest board – for little pouch ideas, etc. #OHCraft is having a pouch swap and she said they've already pinned a lot of cute pouches. Dana also posted a link on the Facebook page. 
Amy Smart from Diary of a Quilter just did a tutorial on felt gift tags and ornaments. You can find it here.

Annual Sew-In:
Our annual sew-in is tomorrow, Saturday, November 22!
Here are some additional details:

Saturday November 22, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Franklin Imaging 

500 Schrock Rd., Columbus, OH 43229

What to bring: 
  • Sewing Machine (with plug) 
  • Sewing projects
  • Extension cord, and power strip (label all your stuff) 
  • Sewing supplies and projects 
  • Demo materials if you are providing a demo 
  • Sweater for comfort—perhaps a pillow for chair 
  • A snack to share—maybe your favorite holiday cookie?
  • Potentially bring your own iron. There will be three community irons, but if you're going to be ironing HSTs all day, you may want to bring your own.
We've reached capacity for sewing machine space in the main room.
You can still sign up to attend, but you should not count on having a sewing machine table space in the main room. You can definitely bring a hand-sewing project, hand-binding, basting, cutting, etc. type of project. We may have last minute cancellations that free up sewing table space, but we can't guarantee sewing machine space at this point. However, there is a lot of space for cutting, basting, quilt layout, design walls etc. so think creatively, we still want to hang out with you!

Show and Tell:
Heather made a R2D2 quilt for husband -- twice!

Cristin's Vice Versa Quilt -- Front

Cristin's Vice Versa Quilt -- Back

Rose's beautiful take on the Feathers pattern by Alison Glass

Ann's new dress

Katie's beautiful baby quilt

Baby quilt top in process by Joanna

Quilt top in process by Katie -- Can't wait to see the music notes all quilted!

A paneled piece by Melissa

Dresden plate clock by Melissa

Machine-embroidered tissue box cover by Melissa

Because winter seems to have come early this year...
Inclement Weather Policy: If the library closes, we will cancel. Please check the library to determine if they are open or closed in the inclement weather.  CMQG leadership will also work to get the closing posted on the Facebook page as early as possible. 

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