If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Block Bee:
Hive #1-
Hive #2-
Block Raffle: Orphan Blocks
Winner- Allison
Cristin did an amazing job with showing us how to fold and organize our fabric. She showed us the art of folding the fabric so we can see everything we have and also folding it in to the same size. Here is a LINK to the blog In Color Order. There is videos on the blog explaining it in cased you missed it or need to see it again.
The Ugly Quilt sewing event was a success. They made about 18 quilts. Awesome job ladies!
Other Business:
*Please fill out the UFO forms by the April Meeting. The form and rules can be found HERE. There will also be paper copies at the meeting. There will be four check in for your UFO items they will be May 28th, September 24th, and December 17th.
*Please start wearing name tags to the meetings and you may win a prize! Here is some ideas Leigh found on PINTEREST.
Show & Tell:
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