Swap/Challenge general rules:
- Open to paid members only (this rule will not apply to the swap and challenge announced at the January meeting so we have time to collect dues from everyone)
- Individual challenges and swaps may have additional rules depending on the theme. Those will be posted with the challenge/swap description and/or sign up on the blog.
- Challenge rules:
- Challenges will be announced at least one month prior to the reveal meeting, and the announcement will usually follow a demo for the technique/item to be conquered.
- Your item (and also preferably you) must be at the challenge reveal meeting in order to be eligible for any prizes.
- Every member who participates and finishes the challenge will be entered into a random prize drawing.
- We will also vote for challenge winners. There might be more than one winner, depending on the challenge theme. The categories will be announced at the same time as the challenge theme/parameters, and the voting will take place at the reveal meeting.
- If you want to share progress pics of your challenge item on Instagram or Facebook, you can use the hashtag #cbusmqchallenge
- Swap rules:
- Every swap will have signups at least one month (but usually 2) prior.
- You will be required to fill out the signup form (online or at the meeting) to participate, and will be emailed your partner’s info. Swaps will be secret, meaning you will not reveal who you’re making for until the swap reveal meeting.
- You must be at the swap reveal meeting to exchange your item. If you are unable to attend, your item must be sent with someone else, dropped off, or mailed to the recipient up to a week after the meeting date.
- You will not receive the item made for you until the item you made is received. If your item is received within the time frame, the item made for you will be given to you before/at the next meeting date.
- If the item you made is not received within the time frame, the item made for you will be given to your original recipient, and you will be banned from participating in any other swaps or challenges for the rest of the year.
- There might be exceptions to this rule based on mitigating circumstances, but those must be communicated to the swap leader PRIOR TO the end of the time frame.
- You must use quilt shop quality fabric and do your best work. Make something you’d be proud to receive/use, taking into consideration:
- The swap theme
- The swap parameters
- Your partner’s likes/dislikes
- Part of the fun of participating in secret swaps is posting preview photos and trying to guess who your partner is. We encourage you to be active in the FB group and/or IG and share photos of your items as you’re making them. Please use the hashtag #cbusmqswap when you share your photos.
Links to the 2016 swaps and challenges:
Color Wheel Challenge (due March)
Hour Basket Swap (due March)
UFO Challenge (Due July /November)
Inspiration Mini Quilt Challenge (Due September)
UFO Challenge (Due July /November)
Inspiration Mini Quilt Challenge (Due September)
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